LA South Bay
Homeowners Information Center


Churches & Places of Worship

Click or touch organization name to go to organization's website
Click or touch address to go to Google Map of that address
Click or touch telephone number to automatically dial organization's phone


Local Places of Worship

(310) 326-1043

(310) 626-6103

(310) 326-2757

(310) 329-4483

(310) 326-8234

(310) 326-7905

(310) 549-8637

(310) 328-9080

(310) 534-0100

(310) 530-8400

(310) 326-0597​

(310) 548-6535

(310) 539-2896

(310) 534-1363

(310) 325-2122

(310) 637-7086

(310) 325-4074

(310) 326-2019

(310) 325-2059

(310) 325-0243

(310) 830-0532

(310) 519.9406

(310) 540-1722

(310) 540-0329

(310) 326-3364

(310) 326-4086

(310) 326-1958

(310) 782-9468

(310) 214-3123

(310) 325-7303

(310) 833-2467

(310) 530-0533

(310) 377-1650

(310) 326-4541